Amateur Radio Station – OM0RX
Ham radio is a highly experimental hobby with a healthy mix of science, mathematics, getting electrocuted and complete luck/guesswork all with the intention of communicating with people you don’t know!

Incoming QSL cards – 17th October 2024
In the past few days, I’ve had the pleasure of receiving several QSL cards via email. While my heart still leans toward the tangible charm of traditional paper QSL cards, digital versions are certainly a welcome addition—after all, they’re better than nothing! A big thank you to SQ9JXJ Irek, SZ1AB Faliro, OO7Z/p, J48KLH, F4GYM and…

A Ham Radio DXpedition to Vanuatu – YJ0VV
For ham radio enthusiasts like myself, there’s nothing quite like the thrill of making contact with a rare DXpedition. Recently, my friend Viliam (OM0AAO) and I (OM0RX) had the incredible opportunity to connect with the YJ0VV team broadcasting from the picturesque islands of Vanuatu. As we sat by our radios, scanning the 20m band, the…

Hunting a new DXCC – PX0FF
Hunting a new DXCC on HF in CW and SSB modes is akin to embarking on a grand adventure, much like a seasoned explorer setting sails for uncharted territories. For amateur radio enthusiasts, each new DXCC entity represents a unique destination, each with its own challenges and rewards. The journey of contacting these distant lands…

QSL Gallery published
A New Digital QSL Gallery: Celebrating Our Radio ConnectionsIn the ever-evolving landscape of amateur radio, the thrill of making a successful contact, or QSO, with a distant station is a joy that transcends distance and language. It’s a testament to the global community of radio enthusiasts bound by a shared passion for communication. Today, I…

IOTA Contest 2024 OM0RX
The results for the IOTA Contest (27/07/24) have now been published. I have decided to publish them here, so you can see what mistakes I have made. QSO Error rate = 8.20% Average Error Rate for this contest = 4.23%. So as you can see, my QSO error rate is quite high, just don’t judge me, as…

Antenna upgrades
I have been using a FAN Dipole for 160/80/40m, which also performed decently on 30m, but I wasn’t completely satisfied with its performance. To be honest, it worked quite well, but I felt that its height of 10 meters above the ground in the middle wasn’t sufficient. Additionally, I wanted to experiment and have an…