About OM0RX

Connecting through the Airwaves: Journey into the World of Ham Radio

Oliver Bross

HAM Radio Operator



DX-ing on HF bands offers a unique and thrilling experience for radio enthusiasts, as it combines the excitement of long-distance communication with the challenge of navigating the complexities of radio wave propagation. One of the main reasons to love DX-ing is the opportunity it provides to connect with people from all over the world, often in remote and exotic locations. The HF bands, with their ability to bounce off the ionosphere, allow for communication over thousands of miles, making it possible to reach operators in different continents and time zones.



Contesting on HF bands is a thrilling and rewarding experience for amateur radio enthusiasts due to the fast-paced and competitive nature of the activity. One of the primary reasons to love contesting is the adrenaline rush it provides as operators strive to make as many contacts as possible within a limited timeframe. This high-energy environment pushes participants to enhance their operating skills, optimize their equipment, and develop effective strategies for managing pile-ups and changing propagation conditions.